Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My newest love affair.

My Kindle! Ben got it for me for my birthday (a little early, but I don't mind). I spend so much time nursing my little one, so this is a great gift! I just love it. It's the perfect gift for a book worm like me! I wasn't getting in much reading time (can you say "toddler who keeps stealing my bookmark and losing my page"), but with this I find it so much easier! I can hold it with one hand while nursing, AND turn the page without any difficulty. It holds books I've downloaded from Amazon, and pdfs that I've downloaded with different programs and websites I've found. There's also lots of websites out there where you can download free e-books (totally legal, and some illegal, heh), and blogs that direct you towards free e-books posted on Amazon. So far I haven't had to buy a single book, but I've got over 80 in my library. She still doesn't have a name, any suggestions?


  1. Oo, please share where to find some free e-books! I LOVE my Kindle.

  2. I got one for valentine's day from my husband, and I love it!! :) You can go to amazon and look at the top 100 books, they have the paid for books and then a FREE books list also....I've not paid for one book yet, and have a little over 100....but I've only gotten them from and where do you get them from the other sites? :)
